Tuesday 18 March 2014

Final Drafting- Front Cover

 For the Draft above I have gone for a layout that includes Grid and Shape. I like tis design because it give the cover a structure, it doesn't look randomly placed and the cover would be intriguing because i have allowed myself room to fit in small scenes from the book without making it look too over crowded. Also as I have decided for this design to use a Pastel colour scheme because the book will seem full and colour full but not bright and overloaded.
Above i have used a design with only characters from in the book, the cover seems child friendly however, this design does not work as well as the design above because of the structure. There is no alignment in how everything is placed on the page and I would need to rethink the colour schemer because I feel I would have a lot of spare white space that shouldn't be there.

This Draft is more poetic to the others. It does it its own way represent alice in wonderland by using the roses and the heart which do feature in the book. And i have used the tangled lines to represent the adventures and complications that Alice goes through during the book.

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